# devcontrol-helper ## how does it work? > the best code of devcontrol in one module add it to your `package.json` file ``` 'dependencies':{ ... 'devcontrol-helper':'git+https://git.devcontrol.org/team/helperjs.git#TAG' } ``` ## Debug see [npm package debug](https://www.npmjs.com/package/debug) `DEBUG=helper:* node app.js` or to only log 1 lib: `DEBUG=helper:form node app.js` ## what can it do? - lib ``` import {Lib} from 'devcontrol-helper'; // import * as helper from 'devcontrol-helper'; const player = new Lib('player'); player.setHook('beforeAdd',(x) => {x.name = x.name.toUpperCase();return x;}); let p1 = player.add({name:"Max Muster"}); console.log(player.getById(p1.id)); //{id:uuid} ``` - form - math - debug > see [npm package debug](https://www.npmjs.com/package/debug)